

Deployment is set up using a CI/CD pipeline, when commit on the master branch.

The deployment process consists of three steps:

  1. Unit testing and code linting

  2. If the previous step is successful, a Docker image is created and pushed to DockerHub

  3. If the previous step is successful, the code is deployed to Heroku

The CI/CD tools involved are:

  • Docker and DockerHub: Used to create and store images of our application

  • CircleCI: Sets up the pipeline for executing the CI/CD steps

  • Heroku: Hosts our application and makes it publicly accessible

The required configuration for successful deployment includes:

  • Unit tests and code linting should not report any errors

  • Code coverage must be greater than 80%

  • The Docker image must be created and pushed correctly to DockerHub with commit hash tag

  • Environment variables must be defined on Heroku

Pull docker Image#

Docker is a platform for launching applications using containers. You have to install docker on you machine and create to a DockerHub account.

Docker : Téléchargement de Docker.

In DockerHub, select the lastest image Tags of Repository : Project repository .

Now you can pull the latest image on your machine:

(.venv) $ docker pull kolobov/p13_django_image:chosen_tag

Check any local server is running and Run docker like that:

(.venv) $ docker compose up

In your browser, enter localhost:8000 or click on link inside a console. That will open the website locally.

To stop Docker:

(.venv) $ docker compose down

CircleCi configutation#

In CircleCi projet’s settings, you have to define environment variable for:

DOCKER_USER = Your docker login
DOCKER_PASSWORD = Your docker password
HEROKU_TOKEN = Token from Heroku to allows CircleCI to push on Heroku

Heroku configutation#

In Heroku projet’s settings, you have to define environment variable for:

DEBUG = To activate debug if you need (True or false)
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY = Your django secret key
HEROKU_TOKEN = Token from Heroku to allows CircleCI to push on Heroku
SENTRY_KEY = Your key from Sentry to allow Heroku to push logs to Sentry